
Pizza shops display photos of shelter dogs on pizza boxes to help them get adopted

The United States has a huge problem with stray dogs. Every year, 1.5 million of them have to be euthanized, and the number grows from year to year. The main reason for this is that dog shelters are full and there simply aren’t enough people willing to adopt them. 

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Every year, they try to raise awareness of people adopting dogs, but unfortunately, people still buy pets in stores. Buying pets from a store is one of the main reasons why more and more organizations are turning to creativity to get owners to adopt poor dogs.

credits: FB Boring Portal*F

One of those dog shelters is the hero of our story today, and that is the Niagara SPCA shelter in New York. The shelter teamed up with Amherst franchise Just Pizza and Wing Co to come up with a way to get people to adopt dogs.

credits FB Cooper Lawrence Cooper Lawrence

After Kimberly LaRussa SPCA event coordinator and Mary Alloy owner of Justin and Wing got together, they started working on creating and designing ways to attract people to adopt dogs through joint actions. It didn’t take long for them to create a fantastic project. Since the pizzeria constantly delivers pizzas in its cardboard boxes, it decided to put flyers with dogs that want to be adopted on those same boxes.

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An excellent idea and an excellent marketing ploy must be acknowledged. In addition to the fact that in this way information about animals in need of adoption reached many more people than would otherwise, our authors have devised another addition, which is that every owner of a newly adopted dog will also receive a gift voucher for 50 via a flyer on a pizza box dollars for your next order. The Idea itself went better than expected, and a lot of people accepted it positively. Already on the first day after the campaign started, one little dog found its owner, it is a six-month-old dog named Larry. Larry is just the beginning; since the action was very well accepted and started well, the shelter and the pizzeria decided that the project will continue until the last animal in the shelter is adopted. Along with the dogs, they decided that eventually, they will put up flyers with kittens that also need adoption.

Please like the article on Facebook and share this idea and this article so that maybe some other people will start a similar initiative because we are aware of how many pets there are waiting for adoption.

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